Professor Mengxing Tang
Location: United Kingdom
Professor Mengxing Tang joined the Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College as a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in 2006 after 4 years as a postdoc researcher in the Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford. He became a Professor and Chair in Biomedical Imaging in 2018. Prof. Tang leads the Ultrasound Laboratory for Imaging and Sensing (ULIS). His current research mainly focuses on developing new ultrasound imaging and signal & image processing techniques for visualising and quantifying macro- and micro-vascular flow in high spatial and temporal resolution, and its application in a wide range of clinical diseases including but not limited to cardiovascular diseases, cancer and neurology. He has graduated over 20 PhD students and authored over 100 peer-reviewed journal papers. Since his appointment at Imperial in 2006, Professor Tang has raised over £9 million to support his research programme from UKRI, charities, NIHR and industry. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON UFFC.